3 Vehicle Requirements and Restrictions 車両要件と制約
3.1 Impact Attenuator インパクトアッテネーター
3.1.1 Anti Intrusion Plate アンチイントリュージョンプレート
3.2 Securing Fasteners 固定ファスナー
3.2.1 Brake System Components mounting ブレーキシステムのコンポーネントマウント方法
3.2.2 Steering System and Suspension System Components mounting
3.3 Brake System ブレーキシステム
3.3.1 Brake System Master cylinder actuation マスターシリンダーの作動
The brake system master cylinder must be direct actuated or by a mechanical connection. The use of bowden cables or push-pull bowden cables is not allowed.
The first 50% of the brake pedal travel may be used to regenerate brake energy. The brake energy recovery is only permitted when the brake pedal is actuated by the driver. Automatic brake energy recovery is prohibited.
The remaining brake pedal travel must actuate the hydraulic brake system.
3.3.2 Brake Light ブレーキライト
3.4 Drive Train ドライブトレイン
3.4.1 Drive Train Shields and Guards ドライブトレインシールドとガード
In case of using a chain or belt the drive train shield must cover the chain or belt from the sprocket till the sprocket/belt pulley, around the sprocket/belt pulley and end parallel to the lowest point of the sprocket/belt pulley, see Figure 1.
Note: Even if the chain or belt is covered by the structure, a drive train shield is required.
3.5 Driver Egress ドライバー脱出
3.6 Vehicle Identification車両識別
3.6.1 School Name 学校名
3.6.2 Technical Inspection Sticker Space 車検ステッカー貼付スペース
3.6.3 Transponders トランスポンダ
3.6.4 Driver’s Suits and Undergarments ドライバースーツと下着
Each driver must wear a fire resistant suit that covers the body from the neck down to the ankles and the wrists. The suit must be in good condition, i.e. it must have no tears or open seams, or oil stains that could compromise its fire resistant capability. The suit must be certified to one of the following standards and be labelled as such:
- SFI 3-2A/10 (or higher)
- FIA Standard 1986
- FIA Standard 8856-2000
Approved long underwear made of fire resistant material must be worn with all suits except those carrying a rating of SFI 3.2A/10, 3.2A/15, 3.2A/20 or FIA Standard 8856-2000.
Underwear certified to SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 is strongly recommended in all cases.
Socks, shirts, and other undergarments made of synthetic material (including Nylon, Orlon, Spandex, etc.) will melt into the skin in a fire and are strictly forbidden. Nomex socks are strongly recommended.
- SFI 3-2A/10 (またはそれ以上)
- FIA Standard 1986
- FIA Standard 8856-2000
3.2A/10, 3.2A/15, 3.2A/20 or FIA Standard 8856-2000の認定を受けていないスーツを着用する場合、下着は耐火性の材質で作られた、認定された長袖・長ズボンでなければならない。
SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000の認定を受けた下着を強く推奨する。
3.7 Chassis シャシー
An existing FS chassis may be used for 2010. This chassis must fulfil at least the 2007 FSAE Rules. If an existing chassis is used, the primary structure as defined per FSAE rule 2010 B3.2 must not be changed. Modification of tubes that do not belong to the roll hoops, the side impact structure, the front bulkhead or the front bulkhead support is allowed, if needed to fulfil the FSE rule 6.19.
It must be proven that the chassis was used during the year that such rules were in place by submitting the old SEF and the current SEF.
A completely new designed chassis must conform to the current FSAE 2010 rules.
既存のFSシャシーは2010年大会において使用出来る。このシャシーは少なくともFSAE Rules2007を満たさなくてはならない。もし既存のシャシーを用いるならば、FSAE rule 2010 B3.2で定義される主要構造体は変更してはならない。 ロールフープ、サイドインパクト構造、フロントバルクヘッドまたはフロントバルクヘッドサポートに該当しないパイプの変更は認められている。もし必要であれば6.19項を見よ。
全く新しい設計のシャシーはFSAE 2010ルールに従わなければならない。
3.8 Firewall ファイヤーウォール
A firewall must separate the driver compartment from all tractive system components and any oil or liquid cooling systems.
In case of using a non-metal material for the firewall (i.e. carbon fibre, fibreglass, etc.) a fire resistant heat protection shield with a metal surface must be fitted to that side of the firewall on which the tractive system components are. The metal surface part of the firewall must have a low resistance connection to control system ground.
The driver side of the firewall must be made of an electrically insulating material being suitable for the maximum operation voltage of the vehicle.
3.9 Brake Test ブレーキテスト
During the brake test the car must be accelerated on a short straight. Afterwards the tractive system has to be switched off by the driver and the brake pedal must be actuated as far as possible. The brake test is successful if all four wheels lock.
3.10 Brake Over-Travel Switch ブレーキオーバートラベルスイッチ
Instead of switching off the ignition and fuel pumps the brake pedal over-travel switch must shut down the tractive system by opening the accumulator insulation relay(s), see also 6.12.
3.11 Tractive System トラクティブシステム
3.11.1 Replacement of FSAE Rules 2010 FSAE2010ルールの差し替え
Articles B8.1 until B8.9, B9 except B9.9, B10 and B11except B11.4 of the FSAE 2010 rules are superseded by the following FSE rules. Articles B8.10 and B8.11 are only valid if a cooling system is in use.
FSAE2010ルールのB8.1項からB8.9項まで、B9項(B9.9項を除く)、B10項とB11項(B11.4項を除く)は次のFSE ルールに取って代わる。B8.10項とB8.11項は冷却システムを使用している場合のみ有効である。
3.11.2 Motors モータ
Only electrical motors are allowed.
Any type of electrical motors is allowed. The number of motors is not limited.
Hybrid systems are prohibited.
3.11.3 Torque Encoder (throttle pedal position sensor) トルクエンコーダ(スロットルペダルポジションセンサ)
Drive by wire is permitted.
The torque encoder must be actuated by a foot pedal.
The foot pedal must return to its original position when not actuated.
At least two sensors must be fitted as torque encoder. The purpose of the second sensor is redundancy. Both sensors must have different supply and ground wiring. A plausibility check is recommended to verify that both sensors give the same pedal position.